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Friday, June 19, 2020

How Safe is Your Password?

 Passwords - how can you make sure your password is memorable for you, but not easily hacked by others? This is a HUGE challenge!
A few years ago I spotted a fun video of the Jimmy Kimmel Show on this topic and posted it along with a few password tips on my Blogged Tips blog.
Blogged Tips: How Safe is Your Password? Jimmy Kimmel Highlights... I thought I had a password system figured out that couldn't be hacked, but unfortunately, it wasn't and I lost access to all my former blogs. I have been trying to get Google to recognize that I am the author of all these blogs, for several years, but no dice.

Heaven's Password

Do you remember that old camp song "Oh You Can't Get to Heaven"?
There are lots of ways people try to get into Heaven, but as the song says - you can't get to Heaven on roller skates, on a diesel train, or in daddy's car. Neither can you buy yourself a stairway to Heaven.
Fortunately, to get into Heaven and live eternally, we just need to believe and confess with our mouth that Jesus is the Son of God and He died for us to get into Heaven.

However, once we get in, we will need to answer for our actions. What actions are required to stay?
Christ said, "Whatever you did to these the least of my brothers."
What are the mitvohs or deeds we need to do?
Is it teach Sunday School?
Is it pray every day?
No! (Though it helps you do the tasks with God's help)

What is it we need to do?
Answer the riddle and I'll send a prize to you!

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