God Does Answer Prayer!
Need Prayer?
Our Father is always with us and listening.
It's a free call 24-7.
However, it is also written, wherever 2 or more are gathered in agreement and ask in the name of Christ it will be done.
However, it is also written, wherever 2 or more are gathered in agreement and ask in the name of Christ it will be done.
So here are a few free prayer hotlines you can call or write day or night.
Prayer Hotlines
- Crossroads - 1-866-273- 4444 https://crossroads.ca/247prayer/
- Daystar - Call for Prayer: 1-800-329-0029 Peticiones de OraciΓ³n (Spanish): 1-800-664-0029 https://www.daystar.com/prayer/
- KCM -Kenneth Copeland Ministries - Canada - -877- 480 - 3388 6 am -4 pm PT See the full list of numbers on this KCM Facebook Post or choose a country from the drop-down list at the top of this map of the world.
- Life - 1-800-947-5433 (Canada and USA) See https://lifetoday.org requests/ for international numbers
- Sid Roth - Supernatural Prayer Hotline- 1-800-261-9689
- Transport for Christ -1-888-980-7729 (PRAY)
Prayer for Times You Cannot Speak
There are times when you just can not talk. For times you cannot speak and you seek reassurance through prayer, these places may be helpful to you. Yesterday I found myself praying for somewhere I could send a text prayer request. If you know of any places where a person can send a prayer request by text, please let everyone know in the comments below.
- Amazing Facts Ministries Online Prayer Request Form - Requires name and email address.
- Branham.org Prayer Wall
- Connect β CEIC (ceicva.org) - Scroll Down the Page.
- Count Your Blessings Prayer Page - You can be anonymous or leave your name.
- Crosswalk Prayer Requests
- David Dija Hernandez Prayer Request Form
- Discovering the Jewish Jesus -Prayer Request - Rabbi Curt Schneider Only requires a name. If you wish them to contact you, then an email address is also needed.
- Facebook Urgent Prayer Requests -You will not be anaymous be sure you have your privacy settings in place!
- Faith Life Now - Prayer Request Form
- Global Kingdome Ministries Prayer Wall This ministry sends you an automatic email when someone prays for you. A wonderful encouragement!
- HLE Radio Christian Country Music Station offers a prayer team connection through private DM on X
- Hungry Generation Prayer Request page
- Intouch Ministries
- Joseph Prince Prayer Page - Requires Name Address, Phone Number and Email Address
- Life 100.3 FM Prayer Wall- You can post your prayer request anonymously if you wish. They also send you and email to let you know that someone prayed for you. in addition, Lie 100.3 offers prayer on the radio.
- Life Today - Only requires your name and email address
- Life Without Limbs Prayer Page - You can be anonymous or leave your name
- Reddit Prayer Team
- Vince Miller - Prays for men in immediate need of prayer
- YouVersion Bible App Prayer Request Form This form requires First name and email address. You choose from a list of topics, then type your prayer request in the box. This is not for long-winded people- you must state your prayer requestbin 175 characters or less.
Want To Pray for Others?
Want to pray for others? It is written "Pray for each other and you shall be healed. " Here are some Prayer Requests.
Faith without works is dead. Read what Christ said in Mathew 25:35.
"Whatever you did for one of the least of these my brothers you did fr me. Welcome good and faithful servant.!"
You can find some ways of blessing others on these Giving posts.
Do you know of more prayer lines?
Please take the time to pop a note in the comments below and let others know.
Be Blessed,Sister_Su
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