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Friday, May 12, 2023

Urgent Prayer Request Via Jews for Jesus!

Jews for Jesus just sent out this urgent prayer request from prayer Eli Birnbaum, Jews for Jesus Israel Director:
"In the last few days, the conflict in the Gaza Strip has escalated. Many are spending their nights in bomb shelters, and we have been told to prepare for a few days of fighting. Around midday yesterday in Tel Aviv, sirens went off and we were asked to pick up our kids from school.

"As always, the situation raises levels of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. Please keep us in your prayers and pray for quiet days and nights for all in Gaza and Israel. We hope that as many lives as possible are spared during this time. We also ask that you pray for wisdom on how we can continue to minister during this time."
Please keep Eli, the Jews for Jesus staff, and Israel in your prayers!

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