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Friday, November 20, 2020

Downturns Bring Upturns!

Horrible, Painful, Dreadful Make Praiseworthy Opportunities 

Are you being refined?
I have gone through some absolutely crazy things in my life, and I'm going through a real battle right now, but the reading in my inbox this morning reminded me of how horrible things can lead to amazing gains for God's Kingdom.
Here is an excerpt from the free 40 page publication:
Paul and Silas were arrested, flogged, and thrown in prison, contrary to Roman law (v. 37). Their misfortune turned into an opportunity for the gospel as the jailer and his household were converted. When the magistrates learned of their mistake, they tried to send the two away quietly. But Paul demanded that the magistrates escort them from the prison, which amounted to a public apology from them. >>


The gospel’s power does not depend on you! 
What you experience as a setback in your life could be God’s open door for the gospel to move forward. Ask God to help you recognize the difference and to accept and even welcome His working in your life.

 PRAY WITH US When we encounter difficulties and opposition, is it a setback or an open door from God? Father, help us see and understand the difference and act according to the guidance of your Spirit.

So, if you, like me, are going through a crazy battle- hang in there!

Have a great day!


P.S. You can read the whole publication at

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