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Friday, February 12, 2021

Thou Shalt Not Kill - Death Penalty Thoughts

 Would Christ Vote For or Against the Death Penalty?

Recently, I saw a disturbing poll, and it's played a role in my thoughts,
Yes, I've been pondering the Death Penalty issue a lot.
Death Penalty Survey Screenshot

Scriptures to Ponder as You Wander:

"Let He who is without sin, cast the first stone" - JC
"Thou shalt not kill"
"Vengeance is mine, saith THE LORD"

Although the death penalty was abolished in Canada many years ago, in Canada we get a lot of USA TV shows. In addition, many of our folks visit the USA when it snows. Lately, it's been in my mind that I might like to study at Charis Bible College down south, but this death penalty issue makes me want to stay out.

History of the Death Penalty in Canada 

Capital punishment in Canada dates back to Canada's earliest history, including its period as a French colony and, after 1763, its time as a British colony. From 1867 to the elimination of the death penalty for murder on July 26, 1976, 1,481 people had been sentenced to death, and 710 had been executed. Of those executed, 697 were men and 13 were women. The only method used in Canada for the capital punishment of civilians after the end of the French regime was hanging. The last execution in Canada was the double hanging of Arthur Lucas and Ronald Turpin on December 11, 1962, at Toronto's Don Jail. 

Biblical Murderers Set Free

Many people will point to passages in the Bible, and use them to support the death penalty. However, there are many instances where God himself let murderers go free.
  • Cain - The first murderer had to live with his guilt, and God placed a mark on him to mark sure no one would kill him.
  • Moses - Murdered an Egyptian in a fit of anger, and God used him to lead the captive Israelites out of Egypt.
  • David - Plotted to have the husband of Bathsheba die in battle so he could marry her.
  • Saul of Tarsus - Dragged Christians from their homes to be killed. After his Christ experience, he was renamed Paul and travelled widely proclaiming the gospel.

Capital Punishment Costs More Than Imprisonment

Studies have shown that capital punishment or the death penalty costs governments more money than imprisonment. Yes, it may seem difficult to believe, but it's true. The costs to society for capital punishment are also immense in lost wages and decreased health for the family members of the person who is killed. 
Yet, there is another incalculable cost - the souls of those who are under the burden of seeing that the death penalty is carried out.

Pray for Our Neighbours in the USA

Why pray for our neighbours in the USA? Should you or a family member decide to move on down that way, I think you would want the reassurance, that you wouldn't be facing the death penalty down there someday.
There is some hope for those folks. Here is a tweet that one brave person wrote:

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