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Friday, February 25, 2022

Prayer Request - Improve Missionary Healthcare

GFA Prayer Request Please Pray for Improved Missionary Healthcare

  • Romans 10:15 - How shall they proclaim the Gospel unless they are sent. For it is written "Beautiful are the feet of those who proclaim Good News - Romans 10:15 
Can you imagine being sick where there are no medicines or healthcare available? GFA World has missionaries in some of the poorest areas of the world. These people have dedicated their lives and gone where few missionaries dare to go - far, far away from healthcare so impoverished people in these outermost reaches can hear the Good News that Christ died for them and allow them to choose to follow Jesus and have eternal life. 
One particular GFA missionary I read about in Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohannan, stands out vividly in my mind. This missionary knew that his parishioners could not read, so it was in his heart to get a movie projector to show them movies about the life of Christ. But how could he get the funds? He thought of how Christ had given his life's blood to save us, then made a plan. This man travelled by bicycle for two hours to another town where he could sell his blood. He did this over and over again until he had enough money to buy the movie projector and equipment to show movies about the life of Christ! That is dedication! 
This post contains the prayer request sent out from GFA World this week asking for God to make a way to help people thrive physically and spiritually through the efforts of the GFA World, as well as a short video highlighting some of the work done through the GFA World Medical Ministry Camps.
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Please Pray for the Medical Ministry of GFA World

Even though the poor, especially in developing regions such as the countries where GFA serves, are more vulnerable to disease and ill health, these men, women and children have less access to health services. They may live in remote areas where health care is simply unavailable, or they may lack the means to obtain proper health care.
Struggling just to survive on meagre incomes, they may face the difficult choice of going into debt or leaving ailments untreated when they or their family members become ill. Every year, medical expenses push millions of people into extreme poverty.
Meanwhile, approximately 5 million people die every year from antibiotic-treatable diseases. Many others suffer from treatable ailments. GFA World’s medical ministry has helped thousands of people in need of medical attention while demonstrating the love of the Great Physician. But many remain in need. 
The World Bank estimates half of the world lacks access to essential health services. Many of these people are in impoverished communities, including those where GFA missionaries serve. Please join us in praying this month for GFA World’s medical ministry and for those in need of medical care. 

Specific Prayer Requests for GFA World Medical Ministry

Pray for Labourers 

Pray for God to bring labourers to work in GFA's medical camps. pray for Him to bring skilled doctors and other medical staff to people who would often have no access to proper medical care otherwise. In remote locations, for example, the lack of good roads not only prevents individuals from reaching healthcare facilities but also hinders the distribution of supplies and supervision of local health workers, who may be relatively untrained. These local doctors may provide ineffective treatment. GFA World’s medical ministry partners with skilled medical professionals to offer the best care possible, but they need volunteers for every medical camp. Please pray for enough qualified medical professionals to partner with GFA World for every medical camp that is held. Pray God will bless these healthcare workers for their service and that those receiving treatment will be deeply impacted by the love and compassion displayed by the GFA medical team.

Pray for Effective Health Training 

Please pray for effective health training Prevention is better than a cure. Yet many of the people in areas where GFA missionaries serve haven’t been taught basic health and hygiene principles. This lack contributes to their suffering as it puts them and their families at greater risk of disease. As part of GFA World’s medical ministry, GFA missionaries conduct various awareness programs to promote health. In this way, people gain knowledge to help protect their own health and that of their families. Please pray that GFA’s health awareness programs will be effective, that the people who attend will glean much insight and they will implement proper hygiene and health practices to protect and improve their health.

Pray for Participants to Experience Christ’s Love 

Please pray for participants to experience Christ’s love. While GFA World’s medical ministry meets practical, physical needs, the missionaries involved seek to demonstrate Christ’s love through their compassionate care. They pray for the sick and build relationships with the communities they serve. The impact can be eternal. Please pray medical camp and awareness program participants will experience Christ’s love through the caring actions of GFA missionaries. Pray God will heal participants’ hearts as well as their bodies

Please Pray for Provision 

GFA World’s medical ministry conducts free medical camps, which offer people in need free checkups and medication. The World Health Organization estimates nearly 2 billion people worldwide lack access to basic medicines. As a result, they suffer needlessly from treatable ailments and diseases. GFA World’s medical ministry is helping meet this need, but they need provision to continue their efforts. Please pray God will provide GFA World’s medical ministry with the funds and medical supplies to effectively meet the medical needs of people in areas where they serve. Pray God will raise up ministry partners with a burden for this aspect of the ministry

Pray for Leaders to Have Discernment 

Please pray for leaders to have discernment There are many people and many communities in need of health care. Many impoverished people, who often can’t afford medical treatment, could benefit from a free medical camp or health awareness program. GFA leaders need discernment to determine what areas have the most urgent needs and how to best meet those needs with available resources. Please pray God will guide medical ministry leaders and give them insight as they make decisions regarding medical camps and awareness programs. Also, pray they will have favour with local government officials as they plan these activities. 

  •  “Poverty and Access to Health Care in Developing Countries.” The New York Academy of Sciences. July 25, 2008. 
  • “Lack of access to antibiotics is a major global health challenge.” ScienceDaily. April 9, 2019 
  • “World Bank and WHO: Half the world lacks access to essential health services, 100 million still pushed into extreme poverty because of health expenses.” The World Bank. December 13, 2017. 
  • “Access to medicines: making market forces serve the poor.” World Health Organization. David H. Peters, Anu Garg, Gerry Bloom, Damian G. Walker, William R. Brieger, M. Hafizur Rahman. 2017. 
For further information about GFA World Ministry prayer needs email,, call 1-888-946-2742  or write GFA World 245 King Street E Stoney Creek, ON L8G 1L9.

About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree

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