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Saturday, May 20, 2023

Thoughts on Numbers 1-4:20

Why This Numbering or Census Taking?

In searching for scripture to listen to for today's recommended Sabbath reading of Numbers 1-4:20 from the Hebrew scriptures, I learned a great deal. First I learned that the English name for this Hebrew book only describes a part of the book - and to me places the emphasis on the wrong aspects of the book - the census taking. 
The original Hebrew name for this book is much more descriptive and means "The Wilderness" Bemidar. 
This phrase is emphasized throughout the census taking in the reading for today. 
G-d spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai and said...

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The Census - Preparing for War!

As I listened to this version of today's recommended reading five things struck me:
  1. This must be one of the most challenging passages to read aloud due to the many names.
  2. The repetition of certain phrases makes it seem almost like a campfire song. I wonder if anyone has a recording of it?
  3. I wonder how many of the names the English translators might have changed from the original Hebrew and what has been lost in the translation. Amazingly, G-d mentioned certain people by name! Num1:5-15. This reminds me of the song "He Knows My Name".
  4. Why did G-d choose the Levites in particular to not be in the army and consecrated to him? The author of this Torah study puts forward two different possible reasons one from Ezra and the other from Rabbinical scholars.
  5. Why this census taking? The author of this Torah study believes it shows how much G-d cares about each person - however, each person is not numbered in this census- just men of the age to be able to go into the army. I believe that G-d was giving this huge rabble of people purpose. Thousands of people had been employed daily as slaves with little time off- and now left to their own devices they were starting to develop many vices. In addition to this, numbering the people could help them realize that together they were capable of fighting enemies, as previously this huge number of people had surprisingly not been able to combine their efforts to throw off the yoke of tyranny under which they laboured in slavery in Egypt.

Painting with Numbers - Biblical-Inspired Art

While I was listening to this Torah reading it was put in my heart to create this unusual piece of pointillism art with "sun" yellow acrylic paint. 

Spirit-Led Art :  Yellow Sun with Tiny Suns: Numbering the Sons of Abram Shows a yellow round blob in the centre of a white cardboard surrounded by numerous yellow dots.

Creating Numbering the Sons of Abram

I started with a dime-sized blob in the middle of a blank cardboard then felt led to put a line of about 5 dots in an orderly fashion from the northeast corner of the "sun". 

Next, I  made a new line of "tiny suns" of about 3 "suns" from the east of the central sun. Next, I surrounded that line with more, and more and more tiny "suns" .

Each time I made a new "tiny sun" I dipped my brush back into the central "sun" in the middle of my cardboard. By the time I was done, my page was covered with  "numerous "tiny suns"

Interpreting the Spirit-Led Art

To me, this artwork and Torah reading shows the fulfillment of the promise G-d made to a downcast Abram so many years before in Gen 15:5 when G-d told Abram to look at the stars and number them if he could- this would be how many sons he would have.

In Numbers 1:1-4-2 Abrams sons get numbered!

Abrams Sons Numbered a pointiliism painting on white carboard shows one central sun surrounded by nuerous tiny suns.The paintbrush and bottle of  acrylic paint are in the lower right quadrant of the picture.
Abram's Sons Numbered

About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree

This post was proofread with the free version of Grammarly

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