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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Christian Movie Review- Let There Be Light!

Let There Be Light - Stark Reminder of God's Grace! 

Let There Be Light left me crying tears of gratitude for G-d healing me of Uterine cancer. The main argument in this movie is about whether G-d exists and revolves around the question of life after death. It also addresses the question-What if our prayers for healing are not answered the way we want them answered?
  • Have you not read that G-d spoke to Moses from the burning bush and said, "I am the G-d of Isaac, I am the G-d of Jacob, I am the G-d of Abraham? " Our G-d is a G-d of the living - not of the dead! Mark 12:26

Let There Be Light Movie Needs a Rewrite

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Last night, I was led to watch Let There Be Light on YouTube. Kevin Sorbo stars as Sol Harkens- a partying atheist who delights in debating Christians while promoting his book. As the movie unfolds, we discover Sol had a son die of cancer - this embittered him and tore his family apart. During a debate, Sol angrily cries out from his heart that if there was a God he would ask Him to let him hold his son again. Sol's prayer is answered when he dies in a drunken car crash. His dead son hugs him and says "Daddy-Let there be light.!" Then Sol wakes in a hospital room with his ex-wife beside him. This near-death experience brings him into, a crisis of faith that spurs him to speak to his wife's pastor - an ex-mobster. Sol gets baptized, stops writing anti-God books, and starts promoting a "Let There Be Light" app with his former wife. Then he remarries his wife and returns home to help raise his two remaining sons - just in time to discover his wife has a severely aggressive form of cancer. 

My observations:
Sorbo's acting in this is much better than I remember him being in other movies. The naming of his character was quite interesting and there are some bits of humour in the movie that help make it not as heavy as it might be. The acting by the boys who play their sons was well done. However, in my opinion, the ages of the boys did not suit the dialogue written for them. The actress who played Sol's wife was quite believable for the most part- especially as she is going through her downward spiral of ill health.
 Unfortunately, there were some rather jarring generalizations made in the dialogue- linking Italians to the mob and Muslims to extremist acts. This is rather unfortunate, as it narrows its possible audience and overall impact.
For me, personally, it was worth watching as it reminded me of how I have been truly blessed by G-d healing me of uterine cancer. I sobbed tears of gratitude throughout the entire end of the movie - thanking G-d for making it possible for me not to have to go through chemotherapy after my operation and for saving my life. I was also grateful for the tears washing my eyes as I have been recently diagnosed with extremely dry eyes. 

Would I Recommend this Movie to Friends?

Hmm... good question.
I rarely watch fictional movies these days- there are so many excellent videos of people sharing true testimonies of their near-death experiences.
In addition, this movie seems to go against what My Saviour would do. When I  think - about what would Yeshua do, it makes me think about His stance on racism.
Jews at that time, had some very ethnocentric practices that could be seen as racist. According to many sources, the general attitude towards Samaritans, in particular, was very racist. However, Yeshua chose to make a Samaritan the hero of the parable "The  Good Samaritan". In addition, He did the unthinkable by speaking to a Samaritan woman at the well. Then when he was refused passage through Samaria and His disciples wanted to call down fire and brimstone on the Samaritans, Jesus replied, "You don't know whose disciples you are!"

So- no. I would not recommend this movie to friends. It is rather sad when a movie that could have been a great tool for reaching non-believers becomes something that could potentially drive people away from Christ in droves.

What did you think of Let There Be Light?

About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree

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