Have You Been Given Bad News By a Doctor? Take it To Your Maker!
On August 13, 2012, I had a horrific experience that I was blessed to survive.
If you were to see my hand today, you would never guess what a mess it was after it was "airconditioned" by a 275 lb Tibetan Majestic Mastiff.
I was very blessed to have many great prayer warriors pray for me to be healed from my injuries from that dog attack. One of the prayer warriors who felt led to pray for me to be restored is Stuart Boughen. Stuart is a very humble quiet man who tries his best to make a living any way he can. Like many quiet prayer warriors, you have probably never heard of him. If you were to meet him on the street you would probably never imagine that he has prayed for people and amazing miracles have come to pass. I am so very grateful that Stuart felt led to pray for me. This post is a letter of gratitude for Stuart being obedient to the call of Our Father to pray for me.
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Our Creator Can Do Anything!
Receiving the Bad News
"I'm very sorry, but they took your stitches out too soon. There is nothing I can do. You will have an open wound on your palm for the rest of your life."
I couldn't believe my ears! How could this be? Surely there must be something the hand specialist could do for me? How could I be left with this gaping open wound on the palm of my hand for the rest of my life?
Adapting to Life With Pain
I was grateful to be alive. It was a miracle that I had survived. They say- "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I was determined to remain grateful. Yes, I was grateful to be alive. However, the pain was incredible. Since it was an open wound there was nothing I could put on it to ease the pain. It was an oozing festering mess. The painkillers I was prescribed made me sick. I certainly didn't want to lay around weak and nauseous for the rest of my life. I ditched the oxycontin and tried to make do with extra-strength Tylenol, but nothing seemed to touch the pain. The best I could do was use ice, distraction and elevation.
During the days, I would do my best to distract myself from the pain in my hand. I became more skilled using my left hand and worked outside in my friend's garden until I would fall onto my hospital bed- totally exhausted. Then I would cry out from my heart, "Father please help me sleep and get me away from this pain."
Then, one night my friend said she would take my daughter and me to a free Christian dinner in a nearby village. I'm trying to remember exactly when this was. I'm pretty sure it was in the fall. I think it was right around this time of year.
I don't remember much about the dinner, the music or the speaker that night, because what happened after the dinner changed my life.
My daughter had just returned from picking up a new block of ice for my right forearm and I was doing my best not to moan and groan in pain because I was hoping I might be able to persuade my friend to drive me back to the dinner again.
Receiving Compassionate Prayer
As I was sitting there, getting ready to leave, a tall slim man quietly came up to our table. I had seen him at these dinners in Omemee a time or two before, but for the life of me, I could not recall his name. I tried my best to smile through the pain as he approached.
"I think I'm supposed to pray for you", he quietly said explaining, "When I am supposed to pray for someone my hand heats up." Then he asked, "Would you like me to pray for you?"
Tears welled up in my eyes and I swallowed back the lump that rose in my throat. I nodded my head, and managed to get out a quiet "Yes."
Stuart held his hand about a foot above mine and quietly prayed. I could feel a gentle heat go through the back of my hand. To my amazement part of the block of ice under my hand and forearm sublimated- it just vanished!
My friend was in a hurry to get back home, so I quickly thanked Stuart and we piled into her car.
The Healing Begins
We hadn't driven very far when suddenly my hand started itching uncontrollably. The itching was so intense I was having difficulty keeping from scratching it. I was grateful to feel something other than pain in my hand. Then, I did it - I scratched my hand!
"Oh, no!" I thought, what if I just made things worse?
We had stopped in a farm driveway for a minute, so I asked, "Can we turn on the interior light for a minute? I need to check my hand."
Jennifer nodded her head and flicked on the interior light.
When I took the bandage off we could hardly believe our eyes! The wound was now about 3/4 of the original size. It had started to close from both ends!
Excitedly, I exclaimed -"Wow! Maybe it will be healed by morning!"
The three of us chattered excitedly the rest of the way back to her house.
Healed in Front of A Scoffer
Previous to this evening, I had received other miraculous healings from some of my injuries right there in the middle of the night due to the many prayer warriors who were appealing for me to be healed. There was a man by the name of Shane renting a room there. Shane had told Jennifer that he didn't believe that God had healed me.
When we walked excitedly chattering through the door that night, Shane, came out with a roar, "What's going on out here?" he yelled. "Are you having a party?"
Shane was known in town for having a terrible anger problem and often bragged that he had gotten away with punching a cop because of his disability. Jennifer lived in constant fear of the man.
I was too excited to be affected by this bully tonight. "Yes! " I exclaimed excitedly, holding up my hand for him to see. "A Holy Ghost party! Look at this!"
I had never seen Shane at a loss for words. His eyes grew wider and wider. His face paled as anger was replaced by astonishment.
"I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!" he gasped.
I turned my hand back so I could see. The gaping wound had closed right in front of this scoffer's eyes.
The scars on my hand are barely visible now, but if you look very carefully you can see a pale white line - a reminder for me of the time Our Creator blessed me with an amazing miracle so others could see how He loves us all and still heals people in amazing ways.
- Scripture -Mark 16:17-18 Blue Letter Bible
About This Author
Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree
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