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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Who Are You? Spiritual Warfare!

Who? You?

"Whom shall I say sent me?" Moses asked the voice in the burning bush.
"Who do you say I am?" Jesus asked His disciples.
"I know Jesus, and I know Paul" roared the demon, "But Who are you?"
Knowing who we really are is essential in spiritual warfare, just as the sentry at night in camp challenges" Halt! Who goes there?"
Not only is it important to know who we are, but who the people around us truly are, so we can discern, as Jesus did, if that person is no longer in control of what they are saying or doing.

Here is a post I wrote on my old blog shortly after my Uterine Cancer Operation Sunday, November 27, 2016.:

Who Am I? Who Are You?

My Christian Contemplations Readers -Who are You?
Recently, I was asked to introduce myself in a Google Plus Christian group.
This got me wondering who are you?
Do you know who you are?

Here is how I introduced myself:
Who is Suzanne Sholer?
You can think one of three things about me:
1. I am a liar. - However, many of the miracles in my life have been witnessed by others.
2. I am crazy. See above.
3. I am telling the truth. Our Father continues to work miracles in our lives each and every day.
August 13 2011, my life took an amazing turn. In retrospect, I can see how Our Father had walked with me all along, but THAT day was a huge turning point in my life.
I am so grateful to Our Father for rescuing me.
On my private blog - ,  I puzzle out my walk.
This is where you will find snippets of my experiences with miracles and learning to rely more and more on Our Father.
I feel I have been commissioned to start a group to help people become refurbished as they refurbish homes - a main project being to create Hostels of God for Women.
You can find information about this on 
A teacher by trade, on other blogs I scribble about marketing, social media, frugal living, dogs, cats, life in Ontario Canada,etc.
Singing, strumming guitar, thumping on the piano, crocheting, sewing, knitting, cooking and baking have taken a larger role in my life lately as my previous physical pursuits such as light weight back packing, canoeing and dancing have been placed out of reach temporarily.
I have two grown daughters who are battling a genetic curse that I was released from. My prayer is for Our Father to heal them too as He healed me.
Last summer, I became homeless while journeying down this path. Now, I am living in the first Hostel of God Pour Les Femmes in Northeastern Ontario with a daughter's cat and puppy while she is recovering at a Battered Women's shelter.  As the "feet on the ground" I am responsible for day to day operations, welcoming travelers and stranded motorists, running a food bank, daily intersessional prayer, arranging upkeep, paying bills and so on. We are trying to figure out what on earth is happening with our non-profit status, but that's another story.
My sixth month check up following surgery for uterine cancer is November 16th. My prayer as I go through the trials being thrown at me is for Our Father's Will to be done and His Kingdom to increase.
Now it's your turn - Who are you?
May Our Father  Bless you 
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