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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

End of the World?

Coronavirus -19 Musings

The R.E.M. song It's the End of the World as We Know It is playing on my internal radio. Really, isn't every day the end of the world as we know it? 
At the end of each day there have been so many actions and interactions that the world will not be the same the next day at all.
Some things, however do trigger an immense difference in the ways people interact with each other and conduct business. The world-wide government responses to COVID -19 have triggered serious changes in economies. I keep getting "A test of the early warning system" in response to this whole thing, as well as "the action of distraction".
Yes, apparently, all the people who are being reported as having the Coronavirus may not been conclusively tested due to a lack of available tests. As late as March 20th the Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz was publicly demanding to know "Where are the tests?"

The economy of Canada and the USA are in a tailspin as thousands are laid off from jobs. Some communities have gone into lock down, not allowing anyone in. Cash is no longer welcome by many businesses in case it carries the disease.

Will it all blow over like a tempest in a teapot?
Or is it really the beginning of the end - people showing the worst of themselves as they go into panic mode over supplies.

I keep getting " The Son will come out tomorrow", then " I'm just funnin' with you" and then "Your'e ahead by a century".

This is our opportunity to show our true colours - welcome in the stranger, feed the hungry, give the thirsty drink, visit the sick and imprisoned and clothe the naked.

Some think it is easy to get into Heaven, Paul wrote if we confess  the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, we will be saved.
However, Jesus said that not all who cry out Lord! Lord! will be allowed in. We must do the will of God and follow the words of Christ.  Faith without works is dead, and works without faith are also not enough. 


Father, help us to do Your will.

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