Be Holy! How can We Live Wholly Holy Lives?
This morning, Prince Phillip, consort of Queen Elizabeth II ventured forth over the bridge between this earthly life and the next. Prince Phillip had designed all the parts of the ceremony which he had code-named Forth Bridge. All around the world, people were glued to radios, televisions, and cell phones watching. What might they glean from this last statement made by the Queen's husband?
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The ceremony was definitely quite small compared to what people might have seen in the past. This definitely was not a state funeral. There were no eulogies, no public gawkers, all was quiet and well-controlled. Even the winds stood still.
For myself, there were definitely some moments of tension as I wondered how the wreath, the Prince's hat and gloves would be able to remain atop the flag that covered his coffin en route to the church and up the stairs into the cathedral. Amazingly, all items remained solidly there. There was not the slightest flutter of a breeze.
The first reading Prince Phillip chose for his service mirrored his love of God's creation. A song of praise for the works of God's hands. Prince Phillip, as noted by commentators, was a very forward-thinking individual and an early environmentalist. On his visit to the Canadian Northwest Territories, he took the Canadian government to task about the industrial waste his family saw. This lit a bit of a fire under the government to pressure companies to clean up their mess. The prince also authored several books voicing his love of nature and his concerns about the environment. Another reading showed his belief in Christ as his saviour and hope of resurrection in the final days and also is one that could bring comfort to his wife and family.Following the service, I was lead to the following scripture:
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:1-5 Darby Be Holy!Laying aside therefore all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envyings and all evil speakings, as newborn babes desire earnestly the pure mental milk of the word, that by it ye may grow up to salvation if indeed ye have tasted that the Lord [is] good. To whom coming, a living stone, cast away indeed as worthless by men, but with God chosen, precious, yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
While there had been much speculation by rumourmongers during his seventy-three years of marriage to Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth, no one could ever dig up any solid dirt to besmirch his loyalty to his wife. It's said that he once drolly quipped"How could I? I've been accompanied by a member of the secret service at all times!" Perhaps, if we each had a chaperone like that, it might be easier for us to live lives more in keeping with the ideals we strive to keep and not be led astray like lost sheep to places where we ought not sleep.
Afterward - An Ode That's Owed
While listening to the service Prince Phillip planned,
May not have meant much to common man,
For those who knew him well,
It reminded the remainder they'd only part for a spell,
One thing that resounded through and through,
He gave God and Christ all glory, honour and due,
May we all do this too,
When comes our time to bid adieu.
What service have you planned for your final adieu?
About This Author
Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She writes on a number of blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su
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