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Saturday, February 3, 2024

24 Shevat 5784 -February 2 2024 Prescribed Readings -Reflections and Resources

Shabbat Shalom Again!

Updated 25 Shevat 5784  2:22 pm, 4:24 p.m.,5:23 p.m.

Prayer Requests

This week I am going to start with some prayer requests:
  • Mary K. Is in hospital after complications following her stress test. Thank you to everyone who has been holding her in prayer. She was able to get well enough to be sent to another hospital to get further tests done and thankfully no extensive repairs needed to be done. Please pray that she will live many more years. 
  • Angela K. - Mary's daughter is battling pain, and nausea as they are treating her sarcoidosis with chemotherapy pills which she takes at home. Here is some info about sarcoidosis.
  • Me - I have been quite ill with allergies causing my body to swell, making me nauseous, and my skin to burn, chap and itch. Please pray for me to find another place to live where I can get lots of fresh air.

Praise Report

From Messianic Rabbi David Stone Jr.:

I have recovered from being sick this past Shabbat so join us  in person or online this Shabbat/Saturday 02/03/24 
-10:30-10:55 AM fellowship and set up time and 
-11AM to 12:30 PM for the teaching.  (Ed. Note: These are Texas times)

The Congregation meets at Christian Fellowship Church, 3950 Pointe Parkway, Beaumont, Texas 77706.
Map Screenshot showing dierections to Christian Fellowship Chursh Beaumont Texas in Dark Mode link opens in a new page
Map to Christian Fellowship Church Beaumont Texas

Park near the main office entrance in the front of the building. We are in Classroom #2 just past the restrooms. 

The name of the Torah portion is "Yitro/Jethro" which means 'abundance'. 
  • Torah- Exodus 18:1-20:26 (or verse 23 in a Jewish published Bible) 
  • Haftarah- Isaiah 6:1-7:6 and 9:6-7(or 5-7 in a Jewish published Bible) 
  • New Covenant- Matthew 5:8-20 
  • We will also study Romans 11 
And pray for Israel together!
Isn't that great news! You can view the scripture study with Rabbi David Stone on here his personal profile. If you missed it, you can still view the Facebook Live recording and even ask questions later.

Note: This blog has referral links that help our writers eat when you make purchases through them. Please refrain from making purchases on Shabbat. Would you like to write on Turtle Dove Thoughts? Guest Bloggers are welcome. 
Scripture Overviews, Thoughts and Resources
I discovered an  Erev Shabbat service posted a few minutes ago on YouTube from Lion and Lamb Messianic Ministries. Perhaps you might like to watch it too - it gives an interesting overview of the scripture from Exodus.

About Lion and Lamb Ministries

Adapted From the Lion and Lamb Ministries YouTube Channel
Since 1995 Lion and Lamb Ministries has been the leader in the independent Messianic movement. Promoting sound Biblical teaching from our staff of Pastors. Promoting Yeshua as the Messiah and the Torah as the constitution for all believers. Submitting ourselves to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit we broadcast weekly and host national and international gatherings.

Exodus 18:1-20:26 Yitro/Jethro (Abundamce)

I was very surprised to learn that the name of the father-in-law of Moshe/Moses -Yitro/Jethro means abundance! Did this surprise you too? In this section of scripture, we see the father-in-law of Moshe recognizing Our Creator as the greatest God, him giving Moshe advice on how to conduct problem-solving - by putting men who truly love Our Creator over sections of people - 10s, 100s, and 1,000s. Most importantly, it is in this section of scripture that we find the 10 Commandments given.

The scripture study today with Rabbi David Stone Jr., here on his personal profile.,pointed out some very interesting Hebrew teachings about God's Top 10.  For example - did you know that these laws that were written on the tablets are not all the laws given by Our Father? There are 613 laws given by Our Father - some things we are to do and some that we are forbidden.
There was also an interesting discussion of what it means to take Our Father's name in vain. I really liked the point Peggy shared that when we agree to be in covenant with Our Father, we are entering into a marriage relationship with him - therefore we are taking his name- as a wife takes her husband's name, so we must strive to live lives that will reflect His love and not bring shame to His name. This teaching aligns with many scriptures in the Bible where Our Father refers to Israel as His bride.

Children's Ministery Ideas and Resources for Yitro

One of the difficulties in teaching about the 10 Words or Commandments of God is that some of these are a bit tricky to explain to young children - as Rabbi David Stone Jr, pointed out in the study today. How do you explain adultery to a child?  This is especially difficult with the extension added by Our Saviour that to look on a person with lust means you have already committed adultery in your heart.
The spirit of lust can come into a child even at a very young age and they may not understand what is happening to them.. This can happen through exposure to pornography, or even images that are culturally acceptable in Western Society that seem like simple advertisements created to sell underwear - if a spirit of lust is being used as an advertising tool to persuade people to purchase these articles of clothing.
This spirit of lust is even used in what is supposed to be children's cartoons and educational tools.  We see this frequently in Disney cartoon depictions of women.  I recently got a book on coding aimed at children using the cartoon characters from "Rotten Ralph" - some of the images bordered on soft porn.

Mathematics - Teach the decimal system using bundles of sticks or coffee stir sticks to show how the people would have been divided into groups of tens, hundreds, and thousands. Use twine or elastic bands to gather them together.

Cursive Script- Copy the Ten Commandments onto two sheets of paper cut to resemble stone tablets or use this free printable. Emphasize the first five are about our relationship with Our Father and the last five help us live better with others.
printable sheet showing  two handrawn stone tablets with lines fro writing the ten commanments - 5 on each side of the double sided tabletcomandments
Ten Commandments Fill in the Blanks Colouring Page here

Haftarah  Readings Overview, Ideas and.Resources 

Yeshayahu /Isaiah 6:1-7:6;9:6-7

Yeshayahu 6:!-7:6 This selection of scripture is the vision of the seraphim Yeshayahu saw. It contains the very famous scripture where Our Creator asks"Who will go for us?" and Yeshuyahu replies"Here I am. Send me!"
Image made from Terracotta showing a seraphim with 2 wings covering its eyes, two wings covering its feet and 2 wings on its bak to fly with link  opens in a new page
Bas Relief of Seraphim at Jerusalem YMCA from Wikimedia

Yeshayahu 9:6-7- 
This scripture section is one that many believers in the Messiah believe is one of the many prophecies of Our Saviour's birth. This is refuted by some Hebrew scholars saying that this passage refers to King Hezekiah.


New Covenant Readings Ideas and Resources

Matthew 5:8-20

This section of scripture contains the Sermon on the Mount with the Beatitudes given by Our Saviour. It is interesting to study this section alongside the Torah portion. It has an interesting rhythm that is much like spoken word poetry -"Blessed are"..... "for they shall". I think this is why this section of scripture is so memorable. What is interesting about the Beatitudes is that Our Messiah taught that the trials and tribulations we experience here in this world will result in blessings - like a cloud with a silver lining. 
Note: While I was typing this, something a bit strange happened  - the words "Bear Beatitudes" appeared on the screen. I believe that this teaching by Our Saviour was meant to encourage us as we go through the trials and tribulations of this life to bear them more resiliently - knowing that we have heavenly rewards waiting for us. 
Another place in scripture where Our Saviour tries to encourage people going through tough times is the story of a beggar named Lazarus who is outside a rich man's gate. Lazarus dies and is taken to heaven, but the rich man goes into the pit. The rich man is told that he had his rewards while he was alive, and now it is time for Lazarus to receive his rewards.

Children's Ministry Ideas for The Beatitudes

Romans 11

This chapter contains a beautiful word picture of the olive tree with branches being cut off and grafted in.

Taking a break to get some fresh air - my studio is flooding with cigarette smoke again from my neighbours.  Prayers are appreciated for a new place to live - it makes me feel so sick. 5:24 p.m.  I am back!
  • This is an interesting Olive Tree lesson done in the open air and posted to YouTube. (Video description) Using Paul’s olive tree analogy, Gateway Center for Israel's Dr. Wayne Wilks teaches about the theology of Romans 11. He shares how the “grafted-in” (Gentile) and natural (Jewish) branches connect, through the root of covenantal faith, in a healthy, mutually affirming way.
  • There is a study on Romans 11 by David Guuzik here on the Blueletter Bible website. In this study, he shares that the Jewish Talmud refers to Ruth- a Moabitess being grafted into Israel as a  godly shoot.
  • Rabbi David Stone Jr. in today's study pointed out how many churches have rather than provoking the Jews to jealousy, and drawing them to believe in Yeshua Our Saviour, they have provoked Jews to anger and repelled them from belief.
I feel ick again- time for a nap. Prayers appreciated.

About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree

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