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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sharing Faith Through Avon?

Can You Open Eyes Through Beauty Products?

Recently I felt led to join AVON. I had been praying to find a subtle way to share faith with people who would not step inside a church and who would run the other way if you were to approach them with a gospel tract. 

I love how Avon has been used for almost two centuries to give women hope who might be stuck in dreadful situations. Did you know that when Avon first started there were few options open to women who needed to leave abusive situations? An enterprising woman saw the potential in door-to-door beauty product sales as a subtle way to help women leave horribly abusive marriages without having to go into prostitution.

I have also been praying to find ways to help women get back on their feet who have been on the streets. In other countries, a woman might be able to get a KIVA, loan - but not here. How can a woman in Canada get out of poverty if she has nothing and has to start over from scratch?

Well AVON just might be a solution to these prayers.

AVON is free to join and they give you a free online store.  You are welcome to do AVON your way- part-time, full-time, offline or online. No credit card is needed - you can pay with PayPal if you wish. In addition to this, you aren't striking out into uncharted business waters alone- an AVON business mentor is as close as your phone. 

So far AVON seems to tick most of the boxes for helping women get started over from scratch. 
But what about sharing my faith? How does this work?

Well, the other day it was put in my heart to put pages from my free Daily Bread magazine into an AVON brochure to mark where the freebies were. I also popped one of the free prayer cards I had received from a ministry into the brochure. 
The next day, chatting with a woman who had gone through some very tough times I suggested she might like to try doing AVON and handed her the brochure. She flipped through- saw the page from the Daily Bread; took it out and... handed it to me saying"I think you accidentally left this in here." I explained that I had put things in the book to mark where the freebies were. When she came to the prayer card printed on blotter paper, she took it out, sniffed it, squinted at it, had a bit of a puzzled look and inserted it back in the book.

Prayer cards in AVON books just might be a way to get encouraging words from THE BOOK into the hands of people. As you might say - put a foot in the door.

This morning, I was wondering if there might be some other strategies I could use to bring the hope of Our Messiah to others. So I asked Copilot AI "What are some ways that I can share the love of our Creator and open the eyes of people to the sacrifice of His son using Avon?

Here is the reply I got:
Certainly! Sharing the love of our Creator and highlighting the sacrifice of His Son is a beautiful endeavor. While Avon is primarily associated with beauty and skincare products, you can creatively incorporate these themes into your interactions. Here are some thoughtful ways to achieve this:
  1.  Personal Testimony and Conversation: - Share your personal faith journey and how it has impacted your life. Be open and authentic about your relationship with God and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice. - Engage in meaningful conversations with others. Ask questions about their beliefs and listen actively. Use these moments to gently share your own experiences and insights.
  2. Avon Products as Gifts- Consider giving Avon products as gifts with a spiritual touch. Attach a heartfelt note that connects the product's purpose (e.g., skincare, fragrance) to God's love and sacrifice. - For instance, when gifting lotion, you could write: "Just as this lotion nourishes your skin, may God's love deeply nourish your soul." 
  3. Host a Beauty and Faith Event - Organize an Avon event that combines beauty tips, skincare routines, and discussions about faith. Invite friends, family, or neighbors. - During the event, share short devotionals or Bible verses related to love, sacrifice, and redemption. 
  4. Online Content Creation - Utilize social media platforms to create content that weaves together beauty, self-care, and spirituality. - Share makeup tutorials with a message of inner beauty or use Avon products as visual metaphors for God's love (e.g., "Just as mascara enhances our lashes, God's love enhances our lives"). 
  5. Avon Fundraisers for Charitable Causes - Host an Avon fundraiser where a portion of the proceeds goes to a charity or cause related to love, compassion, or sacrifice. - Explain the purpose behind the fundraiser and how it aligns with your faith. 
  6. Prayer and Blessing Rituals- Create simple rituals around Avon products. For example: - Before applying skincare, take a moment to pray for healing and restoration. - Bless your fragrance as a reminder of God's presence and grace. 
Remember that authenticity and genuine care for others are essential. Let your actions and words reflect the love and sacrifice you want to share. May your efforts inspire others to seek deeper connections with their Creator and appreciate the profound sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/7/2024 
  • (1) 5 Ways In The Bible Love is Expressed Through Sacrifice. 
  • (2) God’s love is in the gift of his Son as our sacrifice.. 
  • (3) Christ Created and Sustains the World (Hebrews… | Theology of Work.
Hmmm... I will have to pray about those ideas. How might you share your faith and bring hope to people?
Want to join me in this adventure? Sign up here to become a member and work directly with me, or shop online through this link - you will get 10% off your first order.

Note: This blog has referral links that help our writers eat when you make purchases through them. Would you like to write on Turtle Dove Thoughts? Guest Bloggers are welcome. 

About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree

This post was proofread with the free version of Grammarly

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