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Monday, June 17, 2024

Prophecies About England

Prophetic Words About England 

This post will be updated from time to time with prophetic words I come across about England. I was speaking with a prophet this morning and she shared that she had received several different prophetic words about England and the Monarchy, so that got me wondering if there might be other prophetic words about England floating around the Internet.
So here is what I have found so far.

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What Does the Bible Say About England?

While England is not directly mentioned in the Bible. many scholars have interpreted Biblical passages over the years as being about England. 
 Here's an annotated list of theological studies and commentaries  I got from Copilot Ai that explore the connections between biblical prophecy and the historical roles of nations like Britain: 
  1. "The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy"- This study delves into the rise to greatness of the United States and Britain, beginning with the biblical patriarch Abraham and the promises made to his descendants¹.
  2. "The Merchants of Tarshish, with all the Young Lions Thereof." - This commentary discusses the British Empire, Scripture Prophecy, and the War of Armageddon, particularly during the period of 1914–1918². 
  3. "The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy" - A booklet available on Goodreads that takes readers through history and Bible prophecy to reveal a story with implications for the major English-speaking nations³. 
Words of Prophecy Shared with Me About England
Here is what the prophet shared with me that she believed she received about England. The name of the prophet has been changed for her privacy. This morning, Rose shared with me that she had received the following prophecies about England, but not having any way to share them with anyone connected to the Royal family, after sharing them with close friends, she had simply prayed that someone else might get the words of knowledge and be able to share them with the Royal Family. It would be interesting to find out if other people have received the same prophecies somewhere else in the world.

Conversation with "Rose"

"The first time I received something strange about England was at the time of the wedding of Diana's Son." she started. "It was quite unusual. I was glad I was living alone because some of the prophetic actions I was doing at the time made me even wonder if I might be losing my mind. Frankly, this prophetic action was quite tame compared to other things I felt led to do. Anyway, I felt led to go into the living room and play the piano. I was quite surprised at the tune I played -"Rule Britannia"! I had never played that song before, and it wasn't just picking out the song with one finger - it was played with both hands and chords! I felt led to do this several times a day - then get up and make a deep curtsy. There was a feeling as if the Queen's Consort - Phillip had entered the room - a bit of a feeling that he was having a dream and I was in it. However in his dream, I was not playing a piano, but I was seated at a spinet. After the third performance, this dream I was acting out changed - when I got up from the deep curtsy, I beheld a wonderful delightful sight in the spirit - a bit like a cross between a daydream and a mirage. Princess Diana was in heaven dressed in a magnificent ball gown welcoming children into heaven. They did not know that she was Princess Diana, but they were familiar with the story of Cinderella, so they happily flocked to her saying "Look! A real Princess!" The children were so happy playing around her and she was extremely happy too. "

The second time I received something about England was at the time of the Queen's Consort - Phillip's illness. His illness was very much on the minds of many people at the time. I was living on a First Nations Reserve at the time, which might have coloured what I perceived. Anyway, when  I was led to "Look in the book".I was very surprised to see the scripture my eyes were directed to: I the king gives back the stolen land he will survive!" I contacted another prophetess and said that it was important that he be led to put the crown land back into First Nation's hands all around the world. The prophetess replied that she and others had been praying for this for several years When she shared this with me, it came to me to emphasize that the Crown Land in Canada needed to be put into First Nations women's hands

The other day, I was once again led to "Look in the book".  First I was led to read: The Lord said to Solomon, I have heard your prayers" Next, I was led to read a short passage about Solomon's servant. Finally, when I read 1 Kings 11:9-12  and the song"Rule Britannia" started playing on my inner radio. This is why the scriptures I read seemed to me to pertain to the current King of England and the monarchy. The word is this: The Monarchy will survive, but it will be taken from the hands of his son.

Videos with Biblically Based Prophetic Words About England

Several prophets have shared prophetic words about England on YouTube. Here are three that Copilot Ai found for me. Have you seen any others? If so, please post a link in the comments below by selecting "Url" and "name".
  1.  Prophetic word for England: BEAST FROM THE EAST // Alwyn Uys - YouTube This word was broadcast in December 2023
  2. Jeremiah’s Prophetic Message for the British and American Peoples - YouTube This was broadcast on January 19, 2022.
  3. Prophetic word of revival to the UK - YouTube - This was broadcast on February 21, 2023. This is not as Biblically based as the previous two videos.

While most of the world has their eyes glued on what is happening in the USA, Israel, Russia and Ukraine, it is important to remember that Our Father has the concerns of the whole world and all His Creation in His hands and frequently what may seem to be a minor incident in one land can have a cataclysmic effect on other countries.


  •  Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/17/2024 (1) The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. (2) “The Merchants of Tarshish, with all the Young Lions Thereof.” The .... (3) The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy - Goodreads. (4) The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. (5) The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. (6) undefined. These resources can provide a deeper understanding of the subject and are a good starting point for anyone interested in the theological perspectives on the role of Britain in biblical prophecy.

About This Author

Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is most easily reached through Twitter @Sister_Su See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree

This post was proofread with the free version of Grammarly

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